Sign Up for a Series of Gardening Classes with Edible Gardens

You won’t believe how often this happens: you’ve just visited a garden exhibition and end up coming out with plants, more than you can carry back home. The sheer pleasure of bringing all those plants to your home and setting up a green corner is so exciting. You somehow manage to stuff your car with all your new green babies and cart them all the way to your home, and lovingly set them around carefully. But over the next few weeks, you start noticing some of them withering away. Some dying out and some just don’t seem to grow no matter what you try. You go check out some videos on how to maintain your balcony garden or what are the right plants for summer. Nothing strikes a cord and you are left wondering if you are a plant killer? Don't be a plant killer, join our gardening classes.

Understand the basic of gardening with our gardening classes

If you relate to some or all of the above scenarios, then worry not! That’s what we are here for. You can sign up for a gardening workshop with Edible Gardens to resolve your short-term issues and understand the basics of gardening to help you get started.

The online gardening workshops are designed to help you understand the unique ways in which you can grow food at your space through different seasons.  

Become a successful plant parent with our Gardening classes and workshops

Becoming a plant parent is your first step towards fulfilling that dream of having your very own edible garden but there is so much more to learn and observe and experiment with from here on.

You’ll need to understand what kind of soil to use for which plants, the right amount of nutrition, ventilation, moisture, light and so on. And these are just a few of the elements that go a long way into successfully growing a kitchen garden or farm of your own.

So, to dive deeper and understand all of these elements, you can register with Edible Gardens for a series of offline gardening classes in Mumbai as well.

Our offline gardening class helps you in building a base

In each offline gardening class, you will be given the material in the form of information booklets, gardening kits and so on, to help you quickly setup your foundation knowledge and then build your base from there.

Depending upon your existing experience, be it as a newbie or at an intermediate level, we will design your class accordingly and help you grow into a prolific organic gardener.

More than 500 successful Gardening Classes & Workshops conducted in the last 4 to 5 years

We have conducted over 500 workshops, over thousands of people through gardening classes, workshops, private seminars for corporations, both online and offline. Over the last 4 to 5 years and are so proud of all the budding green fingers, from across social and demographic groups, that we have helped nurture across the country!

And last but not the least, it is important to understand why we do what we do. Why do we grow food organically, without the use of zero chemicals, pesticides or fungicides. Why must we incorporate the best practices of waste management, water management, soil regeneration, seed saving, food sovereignty in our daily activities as farmers and gardeners – all of this and much more to ponder upon in the form of inspirational picture presentations and photo essays from across the globe.

To know more about all of the upcoming gardening workshops and gardening classes in Mumbai, make sure to reach out to us at the contact details provided.

You may also like this video by our founder Diipti Jhangiani: Learn to grow Vegetables at Home 

To kickstart your gardening journey, do reach out to us at or speak with Diipti directly at +91-9820722363.

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